Praying In The Name Of Jesus Part 2
Jesus is here in spirit, so when you use His name He acts and does it. You allow Jesus to live and act through you when you use His name. You have to believe that when you use the name of Jesus you will see results. Jesus needed a body to operate here on earth, to do what needed to be done to overcome the world and represent the Father. He came to undo the works of the enemy, and set people free by giving them eternal life. At His time, He could only be at one place at one time, since He had one body. Today, He still continues His work here on earth through His body, the church. This He does when we use His name. From the start to the end, we live in Jesus’ name. The name of Jesus is what we got saved by, and is what we live by. We got salvation through the name of Jesus; everything else we get from the Father will also be in His name, throughout our walk with Him. Acts 4:12 “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by whic...