Discernment (Part 2)
As we said last time, time has come for us to discern the times and seasons that we are in, and what God wants with and from us. The moment you start to discern that the times and seasons of God have come, though the enemy will come to steal, kill and destroy, you will be unstoppable. What is in you and the season you are in cannot be hindered. You will watch Herod self-destruct, and Pharaoh and his army be swept away by the waters. The worst mistake you and I can make is to sit in Egypt and miss out on a time of getting out. When they put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, they discerned that it was time to move on. When the time comes for you to get out, you will be unstoppable; but you have to discern this time. Discern the time for getting out, for harvest, for sowing, for investment, for success etc. Do not get comfortable with the status quo, or remain in the comfort zone. Discern the times and seasons, and move on with God. When dogs are surrounding a car tha...