Keys To Fruitfulness

Genesis 1:27-28
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

God made man and commanded him to be fruitful. Fruitfulness is a divine responsibility for all mankind. It is rewarding to live a fruitful life. God is fruitful that is why we have the fruit of the Spirit (“…but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” Galatians 5:22-23).  It is therefore godly to be fruitful. Anyone who ceases to be fruitful ceases to live since any living being is bound to fruitfulness.  

Jesus Christ cursed the fig tree that was leafy yet without fruits (“…and seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, "Let no fruit grow on you ever again." Immediately the fig tree withered away.” Matthew 21:19). This should be a lesson to us that we ought to live a productive life from the resources that the Lord has released freely for all.

The only way for mankind to be fruitful is to get attached to the Life-giver; Jesus Christ, and be obedient and faithful to His commands (“”I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” John 15:1-2) We are supposed to bear fruits, good fruits and not wild fruits. And our fruits should last.

Every time we enjoy the Lord’s resources, we are held accountable thereafter. When we attend church services, fellowships, Bible study and other Christian gatherings, the Lord ‘feeds’ us with His Word and He awaits to see the Seed  develop within us as in the parable of the sower  (“…but other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Matthew 13:8).

The question is; what do we do with every teaching from the Lord? Do we enjoy and get entertained and leave the services excited and rejuvenated or do we consider and put into practice what we learn? Are we keen into applying His Word in our lives? Does the Word excite us into fruitfulness?

It is amazing to realize that after many years of life in salvation, not many believers have heeded the great commission and preached to their acquaintances. Many have not raised a disciple. We were preached unto salvation and are shy into preaching or ministering with the gifts that the Lord has deposited in our lives. It is time we came out of our comfort zones and started being fruitful and productive spiritually.

Jesus Christ used parables to teach us and we are thus encouraged to learn from nature as Job informs us ("But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you.” Job 12:7)
I wish that we learn some natural keys to being fruitful or productive from an analogy of the bees and the butterflies.

Bees and butterflies undergo a similar development lifestyle into adulthood called metamorphosis; eggs, larva, pupa and adult. Their way of life continues in essence that they are all insects that visit flowers but what happens to this business is quite different. Selah.

Both visit flowers for nectar; bees make honey out of it but we have never harvested honey from butterflies. Similarly, we all come to church, we all pick ‘something’ out but what we do with the teachings we get from the church counts. We may use what we get and allow it to transform our lives and that of others or we merely ignore what we get like the butterflies. Let us desire that when Jesus comes to visit us, He may find ‘honey’ in our lives.

What makes bees so fruitful?

1. Focus – Bees are focused. They don’t visit flowers for their beauty. They visit the flowers with several objectives: to get the nectar, collect pollen grains and fly back to the hive to make honey. They are not swayed or distracted by circumstances. Bees are not swayed by winds or storms like butterflies. Whenever bees are not out there searching for flowers, they are in their hive making honey. Believers ought to be focused too. We shouldn’t be tossed about by every doctrine, heresy and false teachings like ‘butterflies’. Losing focus is delaying and or denying fruitfulness.

2. Agression – Bees are very protective. They are aggressive and will never allow anyone to mess with them. One can chase butterflies but can never chase bees away. If you touch one bee, the rest fight back.  They sacrifice their lives for the other. How much are we supposed to defend the Gospel? The first Christians were never intimidated but stood by the truth to death. We have martyrs who stood by the cause. We shouldn’t let people joke around with this salvation. We are bought at a price! We are expensive coz we are purchased by the Blood of the Lamb of God. We should love one another to an extent that we care for other’s welfare like bees. They sting and sting hard!

3. Unity – You will always find a swarm of bees and never a swarm of butterflies. Unity brings every difference. A divided house doesn’t stand. If we as a church have to be productive, unity should be a priority, that we all speak the same language; the language of Christ. We all need to agree on a course of action as unity pleases the Lord as He Himself is united in the Holy Trinity. (“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1) When two or three are united for Him, He dwells in our midst and when we are united in agreement, heavens accede to our prayers. Bees work together in a systematic way. Their unity makes them productive and effective.

4. Authority – Bees have ranks, duties and responsibilities. Each knows what to do and does it effectively. They know their leader, the workers, their king and their queen. Butterflies have no protocol. Even in flight, bees respect their ranks. Whenever a swarm of bees crosses over a multitude, everyone (including kings) lies low in honour and respect! What authority! Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan. 11:32). We ought to know those whom the Lord has delegated responsibilities and give them their due respect. You cannot speak against your leaders and expect the Lord to bless you, in fact, you draw curses. We have a divine leadership in the church and anytime you speak against them you speak against the Lord.  David had an opportunity to kill Saul but he said – touch not the anointed. (“…saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” Psalm 105:15) Do you want to succeed in life? Be like the bee…. touch not the anointed. You wish to be fruitful? Touch not the anointed. You want to prosper? Touch not the anointed, however evil he might seem. Don’t condone evil but let God judge. Note that those who spoke against Moses faced the wrath of God, too.

5. Congregation (Sheltered) – Bees have a place they call home. Do you have a home church where you can be identified as part? Butterflies don’t congregate. They don’t have a hive for shelter. We all need an establishment, an altar, a home church for fellowship and let us not behave like butterflies, neither here nor there. We cannot gain Lord’s blessings and favour that way. Let people know that where you fellowship is your shelter and that you belong here and you will be productive and blessed. Having an identity in a particular fellowship is important as it gives one a sense of responsibility and thus leading one to personal development and hence fruitfulness.

6. Busyness (Engaged) – Our King’s business requires haste. Bees don’t idle around. They are always engaged in their respective responsibilities; day and night. Unlike butterflies, you will always find them hanging on trees, flapping their beautiful wings in pride. Idle minds are devils workshops. Believers need to avoid idling on TV, internet, or in gossip. We ought to work with our hands on productive businesses as this pleases our King.

7. Coordination – Bees communicate effectively. They have a ‘dance’ where they inform other bees where the nectar is and how far and what direction to take. No matter how far they go, they find their way back. Effective coordination prevents wrangles and fights in the body of Christ. Believers will respect each other’s roles and responsibilities.

8. Giving – Bees derive nectar from the flowers yet they make sure that they leave pollen grain to fertilize the flowers. They not only take from the flower but they enhance production too. (“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom…” Lu 6:38.)

9. Unhindered – Bees overcome the ordinary. They fly against the wind. Natural circumstances are no obstacle to bees. They overcome pressure and do not care what others say or talk about them; their esteem, self-image… they even sing as they work. Butterflies care much about their beauty and self-image, butterflies are tossed about by circumstances, and they flow with the wind and never against it! Bees say:  “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” “I will not die but live…” “I will not bow down to the idols…” “I will be the head and not the tail…” “I will be fruitful and productive!”

God commanded us to be fruitful. We are created to be fruitful. How fruitful are we physically and spiritually? How productive are we at our churches, homes, work-places, or in our careers? How many people have we brought to Christ, or prayed for, or even invited to our fellowships? These are indicators of fruitfulness and if your answer is being ‘not sure’ then you might have been living like a butterfly. It is time to take the challenge and start living a fruitful life like a bee.


-- Pastor Samson Munyoki.

(08/06/14 Sunday Service Sermon, Teaching Transformation Ministry.) 

Pastor Sam is a pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.


  1. Very challenging. Pray for me and the flocks under me to wake up from our slumber.

  2. Very encouraging teachings be blessed

  3. Nuk mund ta besoja se do të ribashkohesha ndonjëherë me ish-dashnorin tim, isha aq i traumatizuar duke qëndruar vetëm pa trup që të qëndronte pranë meje dhe të ishte me mua, por isha aq me fat që një ditë të caktuar ta takova këtë magjistari i fuqishëm Dr Ediomo, pasi i tregoi atij për situatën time, ai bëri gjithçka që ishte e mundur për të parë që i dashuri im të kthehej tek unë, në të vërtetë pasi bëri magji, ish i dashuri im u kthye tek unë më pak se 48 orë, erdhi ish i dashuri im kthehu duke më lutur se nuk do të më lërë më kurrë, 3 muaj më vonë u fejuam dhe u martuam, nëse edhe ju jeni duke pasur të njëjtën situatë. Ai është shumë i fuqishëm në punët e tij;
    * magji dashurie
    * nëse doni që ish-i juaj të kthehet
    * Ndaloni divorcin
    *thyej obsesionet
    * shëron goditjet në tru dhe të gjitha sëmundjet
    * magji mbrojtjeje
    *infertiliteti dhe problemet e shtatzënisë
    Kontaktoni Dr Ediomo në emailin e tij:
    faleminderit shumë zotëri që më ktheve tek unë ish-dashnorin tim, emailin e tij: ose telefononi/whatsapp:+2349132180420

  4. Kam lexuar disa dëshmi për një magjistar dashurie të quajtur DR DAWN se si ai ka ndihmuar shumë njerëz për të rikthyer ish të dashuruarit e tyre brenda 48 orëve, Sinqerisht, thjesht po mendoja nëse kjo ishte e vërtetë dhe nëse ky njeri mund të ndihmonte vërtet të kthente të dashurin tim të cilin Unë dua shumë. Vendosa të kontaktoj sepse e dua shumë të dashurin tim dhe kemi nja dy muaj që jemi ndarë. Më ka marrë shumë malli për të, kam provuar të gjitha mënyrat e tjera për ta rikthyer, por nuk munda. Unë kontaktova me DR DAWN dhe ai më tha se ish-i im do të kthehet tek unë në 48 orët e ardhshme.
    Për habinë time, ish i dashuri im u kthye pikërisht pas 48 orësh, e gjitha kjo falë Dr DAWN,
    Ai gjithashtu mund t'ju ndihmojë me
    *Spell për të mbetur shtatzënë.
    *Spell për t'u ribashkuar.
    *Shëroni çdo sëmundje.
    * magji për fat të mirë.
    *Magji për pasuri.
    Dhe të tjerët.
    Kontaktoni me të përmes:
    Whatsapp: +2349046229159

  5. Magji e fortë dhe e fuqishme dashurie për të fituar përsëri ish tuaj. - Në rregull. Kam vendosur që unë do të kaloj gjithë ditën në internet vetëm për të siguruar që shumë njerëz mund të lexojnë këtë dëshmi të mija për Dr Ellen i cili është një magji e fuqishme magji nga Afrika, pasi u braktis nga i dashuri im unë isha aq i vetmuar atë ditë që unë vendosa të shkoj nëpër rrjetë për disa këshilla marrëdhëniesh, kurrë nuk e dija se kjo ishte harta e rrugës që do të siguronte kthimin e të dashurit tim. Pas leximit shumë sugjerime se si për të rivendosur marrëdhënien time në një mënyrë më të mirë, kam gjetur se Dr Ellen ka shumë rekomandime se të tjerët, kështu që me këtë unë kisha vendosur që Dr Ellen ishte personi i duhur për punën, dhe kam kontaktuar Dr Ellen përmes detajeve të tij kam parë në internet unë jam i kënaqur që zgjodha të punoj me Dr Ellen sepse puna e tij ishte 100% e përsosur dhe magjia solli të dashurin tim përsëri tek unë me lehtësim të shpejtë. Ju gjithashtu mund të kontaktoni atë për ndihmë tani email:
    Whatsapp: +2348155926512

  6. Unë kurrë nuk e dija se kisha një shans të madh për ta kthyer burrin tim derisa takova Dr. Ellen. Ishte shumë e vështirë për mua kur i dashuri më la për një grua tjetër. Isha i shkatërruar dhe nuk mund të shërohesha. Miqtë dhe familja e tij bënë gjithçka që mundën për të na bashkuar, por nuk funksionoi. Isha beqar për disa muaj dhe nuk mund ta shihja veten duke dashur dikë tjetër. Kështu që më duhej të kërkoja ndihmën e Dr. Ellen, e cila më dha privilegjin të sigurohesha që dëshirat e zemrës sime të realizoheshin. Na bashkoi, dashuria dhe lumturia u rikthyen. Fjalët e tij janë angazhimi i tij dhe ai nuk dorëzohet kurrë kur i premton dikujt një rezultat brenda 48 orëve, gjë që më befasoi kur doli rezultati im. Mos ngurroni të kërkoni ndihmë diku tjetër. Kontakto me të tani. Email-i i tij: ose WhatsApp: +2349074881619

  7. Përshëndetje, emri im është Sally, i fejuari im u nda me mua muajin e kaluar, isha aq i trishtuar që ndryshova plotësisht, nuk po haja dhe nuk po flisja me askënd, qava shumë, isha aq i dëshpëruar dhe i stresuar sa kisha frikë se do të përfundoja në spital për shkak të gjithë stresit dhe depresionit, derisa një ditë po kërkoja në internet këshilla për t'i kthyer të dashurin tim sepse e dua dhe kujdesem shumë për të dhe thjesht dua që ne të jemi bashkë si një çift dhe unë dua që ne të zgjasim përgjithmonë, Pastaj gjeta një magjistar të fuqishëm të quajtur LORD DAWN se si ai zgjidhi kaq shumë probleme marrëdhëniesh dhe shëroi kaq shumë sëmundje, pastaj kontaktova me të në Whatsapp, LORD DAWN më tha që i fejuari im do të kthehet për mua midis 24 orëve pasi ai bëri magji mbi të, nuk e besova kurrë derisa i fejuari im më thirri në telefon dhe më tha se ai dëshiron që ne të kthehemi dhe të jetojmë të lumtur së bashku përgjithmonë dhe tani jemi bashkë në paqe dhe në lumturi. kaq i lumtur tani që Zoti agim më ndihmoi t'i ktheja financat e mia. Faleminderit shumë LORD DAWN gjithashtu mund t'ju ndihmojë nëse keni ndonjë problem marrëdhënieje ose sëmundje, kontaktoni atë në Whatsapp: +2349046229159

  8. Dr Gideon magjistari

    Përshëndetje Ai është një profesionist magjistar
    Bëje njeriun tënd të mos tradhtojë. Kthehuni me të dashurin tuaj, Lidhuni dhe rrituni së bashku në Dashuri. Shijoni atë moment të veçantë që keni ëndërruar gjithmonë.

    -Të gjitha format e magjive,
    -Magji e gjithë dashurisë.
    -Magjitë shëruese
    -Të ndash magjitë.
    -Magji mbrojtëse.
    - ktheje ish të dashurin
    Magjitë e martesës
    ❤️ Magjitë e dashurisë
    💘 Ktheje magjitë e mia të ish-it
    🧘‍♂️ Magji për humbje peshe
    🔐 Hiqni magjinë e fatit të keq
    💰Magji finance
    ⚽ Arrij ëndrrën kohë
    💪 Magji mbrojtëse
    🕯️ Magji pastrimi
    💍 magji fejese
    🙎‍♂️🙍‍♀️ tronditi shpirtin
    🛌🏻 Shëroni sëmundje, sëmundje
    🤰 Magjia e thyersë
    ✍️ promovimi i shitjes së punës
    💔Magji për divorc
    👨🏼‍⚖️ Magji për çështjen gjyqësore
    💎 Ai gjithashtu bën leksimën E. T. C
    ♋ Kanceri i mushkërive
    Kontaktoni WhatsApp: +2347042191323


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