Those Who Wait

There are things that you want to push very fast; but if you start helping God to bring His purpose to pass fast, you will eat bitter fruits. The butterfly has a cycle of life. Before the butterfly gets to its full stage of development, if you try to pull the larvae out of its cocoon, you will mess up with the cycle. As Christians in Kenya, we want to be in a rush. We want to compete with people we see around, but God wants us to wait on Him for His timing. God is looking for such who will tell Him that they will wait on Him whether there is sun or rain.

From the time that David was anointed by Samuel until the period that he sat on the throne of Israel, it took 14-17 years. If we were anointed today and told that we would be an MCA, or politician, or best footballer et cetera, we would want to make it happen immediately, pushing people out of the way. When such times come, we have to stop ourselves, and go at the pace of God. Many of us want to make God rush at our speed, because we compare ourselves with other people, want to be where they are. Maybe you are being pressured by your parents and everyone around you to get married or marry; hold on to the Lord, and go at His pace. Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, mount on wings as eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint (Is. 40:31).

It is the rush that is causing Kenyans to look for short cuts and go by the lies of the devil, but we shall not be of those who rush things, but those who wait on the Lord. The blessings of the Lord add no sorrow (Prov. 10:22); do not ever compare yourselves with people you went to school with, and so on. In the fullness of time, it shall come to pass; you will be where God wants you to be, and do what He wants you to do. Pause a little and tell God you want to go with Him, one step at a time. God is a God of order. He never does things in a hurry.

If Adam was asked, he would have preferred being created on the first day, to help God create the universe. God knew Adam had a stomach and needed food, which is why He created food and all other things before Adam came. This is because God is a God of order. In trying to help God bring His plan be accomplished, we interfere with the plans of God. Some of us have gotten ourselves into loans, trying to help God bring things to pass, financially.

God wants to undo your methodology of doing things, and get you in His way of doing things.

Isaiah 40:31(AMP)
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up[close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.  

God is renewing the power in you, as you wait on Him, because you have allowed Him to renew your strength, energize you.

Maybe you have been discouraged by your parents as you waited on them to help you out, or the education system, and they all failed. Wait on God; He never fails. When your feet become weary and seem to struggle, do not try to grease them; let God make your feet swiftly.

Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. 2 He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. 3 He has put a new song in my mouth - Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the LORD.

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

We are in a world where everybody sets the standards for you. If you are a student, or in the employment world, standards have been set, which cause us to compete with one another. If you have to be competent, compete with God’s purpose. Students go killing themselves trying to please their parents and relatives; if only they understood their potential and God’s purpose for them, they would do their best and be happy. Who has set the standards for you? If it is not God, delete all those standards.

There are some things that happen to those who wait upon the Lord, to accomplish His purpose in your life. Wait on God to accomplish and fulfill His purpose, not your own desires, or purposes.

If you know who you are in Christ, and what God expects you to be, you will not compete with men, but surrender to God and let Him make you who He wants you to be, and help you do what He wants you to do.

Those who wait on God are confident people, that God will bring to pass what He said. Your worries, anxiety, and you trying to look for shortcuts even in prayer sessions, will not rush God or make His timing change. Maybe you rushed things and you got “blessings” that did not even seem to last. The blessings of God make rich and add no sorrow (Prov. 10:22), and are not passing. Waiting is not easy but when you wait, everyone will know you really waited on God.

Joseph already knew that one day the brothers will come bowing down to him. Yet he did not tell them to start bowing down to him then. Even when in prison, he did not send for them to come and bow to him. He still knew that one day the brothers would still come to bow down to him, even when he was in Potiphar’s house, as a house boy. Joseph knew and understood that one day that all his brothers, elder and younger, will come and bow down to him. The Bible tells us that one day, 13 years later after the dream, they still came and bowed down to him. Where are you rushing to? Pause a little and wait on God.

Some people start having a headache and instead of kneeling and resisting the headache knowing they were healed and rebuking the headache, they rush to the hospital. Learn to wait on God and move with Him step by step. After you have sought God and He tells you to go to the hospital, then do so. Try God first. Do not say that you will try God last after you have tried everything. God should not be the last option. Jesus will overcome for you, but why are you starting with Him as the last option? Go to Him first.

Pause and wait on God. Stop helping God bring His purpose and will to pass. Abraham, a man of faith, tried to help God with Sarah, and produced a seed (Ishmael) that is till to date fighting the children of the promise (Isaac). When Abraham finally waited for Isaac, he got the child of the promise, and it is from this lineage that brought forth Jesus Christ that we came forth. If you want to have joy in your life and in the life to come for your children’s children, stop trying the shortcuts, as they will cut you short. You can choose to wait on God now, or cry later in regrets.

Do not try to get yourself out of the mud and mire, but like David, wait on God to come and get you out of the mud and mire, and when He removes you from there He will place you on a rock. He will remove you from the mud and mire, and place you on Jesus Christ, the solid Rock. God will place you on the Rock, where you cannot be shaken, but this can only happen when you wait on God. As long as you are planted on the Rock, whatever happens around you will not shake or move you. If you try to get yourself out of the mud and mire, you will sink deeper, and never get out, or get out and get into worse mud and mire. Only God can remove you and place you on the Rock. Everything else can shake, but you who are placed on the Solid Rock will be immovable. Things will try to knock you down or shake you, but He holds you firm. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

Come out from trusting in man and also trusting in yourself. From today we will wait on and trust on God. That is where we will continue to enjoy the blessings that add no sorrow. He makes everything beautiful in its own time. Personally, I have trusted and waited on God, and I know He is faithful. Those who wait on God will never be put to shame. He who shook death itself and overcame it is the One who is in us, and on whom we stand.

When you feel like you are weary, ask yourself who you were waiting on. Were you waiting on your salary, your husband/wife and so on? Human beings will give you in portions and with limits, but God does not give in portions, nor limit His blessings. It has never been easy to wait on God, but His grace is sufficient.

Malachi 3:18
Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.

Even depending on a degree cannot help you get what those who wait on God wait on. You can wait on God for a job, wife, husband, food, clothes and so on. If you are waiting for influential and rich people to get you out of the mess or get you where you want to get, they will disappoint you, as there are others who are waiting on them too. Wait on God alone, in faith. As you wait, praise Him; worship Him; study His Word; attend fellowships; serve God, as you wait on Him. Those who are waiting on God are those who know what He has said about them, know what He has done for them, know He does not change, that what He is doing is for His glory. Do not try to impress any man; you are not of man’s opinion, you are of God’s opinion. God will bring to pass that which He promised you.

Do what God has told you to do, as you wait on Him. Do not worry that what you are doing seems small; you will have a breakthrough as you are being faithful with the least, waiting on God. Understand that you are at a phase, which is passing, after which there will be another, then another; let God take through you through all those phases.

Wait on God.


- Pastor Mary Mugo.

(7/11/14 Kesha Service Sermon, Teaching Transformation Ministry.)

Pastor Mary is the Senior Pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.


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