2016: Year of New Beginnings

God is saying that He is taking us to new dimensions in life, where you will entirely depend on Me. In this time it will be all about My doing. In 2015 there are some who made mistakes because they led themselves, but in 2016 God is calling us to a life that is totally sold out, surrendered to God, as the Holy Spirit wants to lead us to a new dimension and beginning. If you thought you understood, let go and fully depend on Him. The new dimensions and beginnings have nothing to so with what you can do, rather with what God can do. God wants a willing vessel, and He'll let the world see His power and doing through us. It's not about us doing it, rather His power and Spirit working in and through us.

Humans won’t get clarity on what’s happening, but you will see it all and understand. 2016 will be a great year, as it is about our Great God. This is the time for God to show forth His glory to the world. What the world has despised by those called by My name, I shall use to show forth My glory. My children have been mocked, sidelined and looked down on by the world, but this time He will use what they're looking down on to glorify Himself. God is turning all things around and letting the world know that we are His own. Daniel was despised because of his faith in God, and it's his faith in God that caused him to be promoted. Same for Shadrach, Misheck and Abed-Nego. Stand on salvation and God’s Word, and even do much more, for the glory of God. We are not of those who give up (Heb. 10:39). He is strengthening His own again. It's not yet over, till it's over.

We are in the days of God’s salvation/ rescue, for those who are trusting and depending on God. Just as in the days of David and Goliath, they shall see and say that surely it is God fighting for us. If you've reached your end, God’s power is about to be manifested (2 Cor. 12:9-19). When you realise you’re at your end point and weakest moment, God is revealing His strength.

In this new year, God gives men an opportunity to reconnect/rededicate His ways back to His. There has been compromise in the days past, but this time God wants us to do things His own way, commanding a total return to Him. Time to go by the flesh is over. It is time for a serious walk with God, and His Spirit. It’s not time for us to go by the opinions of men and the flesh, but time for what the Lord wants. The Spirit of the Lord has to take lead. When it's about the Lord, it’s about His leading. Many missed out on God by leading themselves, and ended up blaming God, and blaming themselves and others. This year, let God lead, and there will be no one to be blamed.

I remember the story of Saul and Paul. A new beginning is a complete turn around, just as the converted and delivered Paul was totally different, as well as the new Rahab and the old one.

Genesis 6-9

In the days of Noah, everyone was doing their own things, grieving God, and Noah by the grace of God stood. We are here also by the grace of God. This year of new beginning we have to acknowledge the grace and favour of God, that’s why we're not being consumed. This is a year of experiencing fruitfulness and multiplication:

Genesis 9:1
So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth."

Expect blessings of the Lord, fruitfulness and multiplication.

This is the year the Lord will establish us in what He's promised, but it requires a lot of maturity. This year we have to have clear instructions of the Lord (Gen. 8:16,18). God wants us this year to listen to His instructions, and hearken to them.

This year we have to raise an alter of praise and worship to the Lord, just as Noah did. This year we shall plant and eat the produce of the land. 

The question remains as to whether we are ready to commit ourselves to God, and let Him work on us to accomplish His purpose for our lives. 

Isaiah 1:19
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land...

Blessed and fruitful 2016. 

    Pastor Mary Mugo

1st January 2016 Kesha Service Teaching, Transformation Ministry, Ruiru. 

Pastor Mary is a pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.


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