Death - The Least of Our Worries

Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. Hebrews 2:14-15

Jesus died so that He can set us free from death and the fear of death. Death and its fear is one of the ways the devil had the human race in bondage. Are you afraid of death? You do not have to be. God promises you long life (Psalm 91:16, 118:17). Being afraid of death is a direct expression of either ignorance of what God says and what Jesus did, or unbelief of the same.

Live your life full of confidence. Fear comes from the devil, and it activates his power. The devil wants you to focus on things that will cause you to fear, as he knows that focus on God and His word will cause you to walk in faith. Fear cripples faith. Whatever you fear is what will ultimately befall you (Job 3:25). The more you meditate on and build yourself up on the love of God (Jude 21), the more fear runs out through the door, as perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18), and the more you will walk in faith, as faith works through love, your knowledge of God’s love for you (Gal. 5:6).

God said we would live long, and said the years of a man will be 120 years (Gen. 6:3). Moses lived to be 120 years and climbed up a mountain to die there, having a good eyesight and full of strength (Deut. 34:7). He’s the one who said that the years of a man will be 70-80 years (Psalm 90:10), and they are full of sorrow, sin and labour. It is good to understand that Jesus came to give rest to those who are weary and heavy laden (Matt. 11:28-29), and carried our sorrows (Is. 53:4). So, since He dealt with what was shortening man’s life, why should we still die at 70-80, why not live up to Genesis 6:3, up to 120 years?

2 Tim. 1:9-10
… [God] who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began, 10 but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel…

Plan your life, knowing you will live up to 120 years old, proclaiming the goodness of God in the land of the living. The world has made us (believers) so conformed to its systems that we have started living like it, not even knowing God’s purpose for us. We plan life like the worldly people, expect to age like them and panic just like them as we see time passing by. We are different, with fear of death and death itself having been robbed off its power, with a promise to be in good health and prosper, even as our soul prospers (3 John 2).

I always say that Jesus died young so that we can live long and be satisfied with long life, to continue His work for years and years on earth. Even when we die, we should not die like unbelievers, being snatched away by death. Death has been abolished as we have seen in 2 Tim 1:10 and Heb 2:14-15, and the devil no longer holds the key of Hades and death; Jesus does (Rev. 1:18). You may wonder, why then do people die prematurely? It is because of lack of knowledge, or unbelief. God said His people perish for lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6). I know there are people coming to your mind and you think God killed them prematurely, but keep in mind that God is faithful to His word, and never breaks it. His will is that we are satisfied with long lives (Ps. 91:16). You can go through the whole Bible and not see any people who lived according to God’s purpose and will who died prematurely, before fulfilling their purpose on earth. All of them aged gracefully, and died gracefully.

We’re in a better covenant, we should expect better things. Do not go with what you have seen, what’s going on around, what has gone one, what people say etc. Go with God’s word. So, we (believers) are not killed by death, we lay down our lives, after we have finished our purpose on earth, as Jesus showed us, and even Peter:

2 Peter 1:13-14
Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, 14 knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me.

Death should not be your fear, nothing should. What's the worst that can happen if you die, even if that was the case? Go to heaven and be with Jesus? I believe this was the attitude Paul had when He said:

For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Phil. 1:21.

Paul was living like a dead man (Are dead men afraid of death?). If you threatened to kill him, he'd be happy to be re-united with Christ. If you "spared" his life, well and good, He'd get to walk with Christ on earth all the more! That should be our attitude. Do not be afraid of death at all; it has no power over you at all.

Are you afraid of death? God says to you today, "Fear not, for I am with you..." Isaiah 41:10a. 

However, there is another voice in the world that says ‘Life is short’; it is our choices which voice are we going to listen. We have been given the right to choose (Deuteronomy 30:19). It is up to us to decide either to enjoy the gift of long life that has been freely given to us, or to settle for less.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10.

Enjoy life!!


-- Sam Gitonga. 

(27/07/14 Sunday Service Morning Exhortation, Teaching Transformation Ministry.)

Brother Sam Gitonga is a Youth Leader at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.


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