Keep On Winning

Zechariah 10:1a   
Ask the LORD for rain in the time of the latter rain
Several times in the Bible we have mention of the former and the latter rain.  In Deuteronomy 11:14 God said, "I will give you the first rain and I will give you the latter rain."   

In Job 29:23, "They opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain."  Again in Jeremiah 5:24 “God, giveth rain, both the former and the latter ...”

We should note that the children of Israel needed both the former rain during their planting season and the latter when the corn was about to ripen so that they could have a harvest. And God had promised to give them as stated in Deuteronomy.

It is therefore interesting to note that God is asking them to pray for rain while it is still raining. It beats all odds for a person to stand in the rain and ask God for more rainfall! The fact is He doesn’t want us to take it for granted that since it is regular then it will always come. He does not want us to get to our comfort zones and take His grace for granted that since He promised, it shall always be automatic.

It is in the same manner that we are asked to pray without ceasing. We should never take His grace for granted. It is true that God is faithful always and will honour His word yet we should remember to thank Him always during the time He is keeping His promises. We should always be aligned to His will in order to continue living in His providence.

Paul said,  ‘Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ’ (Phil 3:8)  The truth is that Paul had Christ in his life yet he endeavored to win Him the more, to love Him more, to serve Him more, and so on. He was anointed yet desired to move a notch up in the anointing.

By the way, if you would pray for rain as much while it is raining as you do in the case of a drought, then there wouldn't be a drought.  You see, in the Bible God got people’s attention by withholding the rain. When man got cynical and got away from God He would either withdraw the former or the latter rain.  They had to have them both to exist.  They had to have them both to have a crop. That is the way that He got their attention.

We can glean on this truth and apply it in our lives. We shouldn’t take for granted what the Lord has put before us. We should never take the revival season for granted. It is during such a season that we ought to be steadfast in prayers for the revival to persist. The Lord is encouraging us to pray for this favourable season to continue in as much as it is prevailing. It is a way of appreciating and acknowledging Him for His providence, which is why when we pray the Lord’s Prayer we say…and give us this day our daily bread…we need not take for granted or assume that the bread will be automatically there every day. Yes the provision is regular, yet we need to ask Him through prayer, with thanksgiving, in order to experience His provision.

Kenyans should take advantage of the peace prevailing in our country and pray that it continues. Now that there is peace, freedom of worship, good leadership etc,. it is important that the church continues to thank God and pray that the prevailing and even a much better season come our way. We should not wait until we see signs of turmoil for us to be directed, subjected or conditioned to our knees.

Christians must take advantage and pray for health with thanksgiving now that we are physically and spiritually healthy. Many cry unto God quoting every scripture whenever they feel robbed of their health. We should learn to thank God for the health He has given us now. It is asking for rain while it is still raining.

Take advantage of your financial breakthrough and appreciate the Lord for enabling you to enjoy His abundance. Pray as much now that you are financially healthy than when you were broke! Thank God and pray that He keeps your job and career now even more than when you were seeking for that job! Pray unto the Lord to sustain that gentle supervisor in your workplace, now, do not take it for granted that he will always be there or in such a favourable condition! Pray that God may show you how to be a blessing to your boss and colleagues, and use you while you are there. Pray that the rain continues now that it is falling!

As a member of a church family, you need to thank God for the great fellowship that you are currently having lest you fall asleep and drought creeps in. Let us thank God always for our wonderful pastors. You should always pray that the grace and anointing upon your pastor’s life continues so that you can continue celebrating every shower pertaining to this grace.

Couples, if marriages were won on daily basis, then the issues of divorce would be history. Husbands and wives should win each other now, even more than when they were dating! You have your spouse now, it is time for you to win him or her! Winning continues after marriage and should aggressively persist as long as life enables. When we stop winning each other in marital life, the showers of bliss become irregular and eventually drought silently sneaks into homes. Brethren, let us learn to ask for rain now that it is raining!

We should continue praying for the friends whom God has given us. Never assume that they will always be there! Never assume that the your clients and customers will always flock into your enterprise; never assume that your children, parents, relatives, church family members will always be what they are today; pray for rain now that it is raining! It will be costly for you to pray for rain in drought than while it is raining!

The anointing, salvation, the ministry upon our lives is God’s gift to us yet should never be taken for granted. Brethren, let us pray for rain now that the showers are in season and we will never see or experience any spiritual or physical drought. This is how we keep winning, through prayer and thanksgiving in whatever season we are enjoying from God.


-- Pastor Samson Munyoki.

(17th August 2014 Sunday Service Morning Exhortation, Teaching Transformation Ministry)

Pastor Sam is a pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.


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