The Lord Remembers

The word “remembers” in this context means “divine attention”. Thus, when God remembers He accords one a divine attention. Ordinarily, being remembered is to bear in mind or simply recalling that which had been stored or forgotten. However, we know God does not have a memory issue and this is why we have understood "The Lord remembers" from a spiritual perspective to mean the "Lord granting someone a divine attention". The Lord is always mindful of each of His creation and He takes note of every thought, utterance action or intention. This is followed by His attention at His appropriate time which is evident to man hence the understanding that God remembers.

Psalm 115:12 (NIV)
The Lord remembers us and will bless us: He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron 

It is no doubt that God has remembered Kenya. Revival is here with us because God has remembered Kenya. In the recent past, the churche has been battling with deception, wickedness, immorality among other things, but now there is a new wine which the Lord has released upon his people and the wine is only fitting in new wineskin .Brethren are tired of religious acts and utterances  which are not founded on the truth of the Word of God.

 There is a paradigm shift where people now desire to know and live by the truth and are no longer captives of spiritual manipulation. A spiritual awakening is amidst Kenyans and people are preaching the gospel of the risen Christ. Indeed God has remembered Kenya.

Special grace and anointing has been released for true worship and people desire to worship in truth and in Spirit. Tough times of violence and fears had prevailed in the land but a rekindled love above tribal/ethnic barriers is emerging through very divine interventions. The Lord has remembered us. It is revival time and the harvest is ready.

Matthew 9:37 (KJV)
Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few

God has remembered and the anointing for the harvest is here with us. Heavens are open wide therefore there will be no struggling in fellowships, praise and worship, missions, and evangelisms. It is revival time by God’s grace and mighty power.

At such a time as this, we cannot afford to be sluggish since we understand the time and season to fulfil God’s purpose and the great commission. Remember there was a promise that Kenya will be a springboard for revival in Africa and I know it is time for the church to arise. If you do not have  travel documents (passports, driver’s licenses and other documents) arise and hastily look for them in readiness for missions. Let’s focus back on the divine attention or the Lord remembers.

What does God remember?

1.       Psalm 98:3 (Amplified) 
He has [earnestly] remembered His mercy and loving-kindness, His truth and His faithfulness toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have witnessed the salvation of our God.

a.   His mercy. While we deserved death, God gave us life. Notice that God deletes the sins that man commits and the judgment that we deserve through His mercy and we thus become new when we repent and fellowship with the Lord. The Lord remembers mercy and the guilt get washed away. When the lady who had been accused of adultery was brought to Jesus for judgment through stoning, the merciful Lord remembered His mercy for mankind her accusers left without doing her any harm. The Lord had turned things around for her.

It doesn’t matter the label that men have put in you. The Lord has remembered and deleted all that. There is no need for guilt or condemnation. The sin was removed by Jesus and now you are free. You are now a new creation. God paid a debt that we could never have paid. We need to walk free since His mercies are new every morning. His mercies are from everlasting to everlasting. Don’t allow the devil to condemn you on things you have done consciously and unconsciously. Through His mercies, God has  wiped away every sin, iniquity and transgression.

b.   His faithfulness. God’s character is faithfulness. It is His nature. He remembers His faithfulness. He is faithful to His Word .Whenever we remind Him of His promises He responds to His word and His promises and we get our breakthroughs because no one can challenge Him on what He has spoken. God does not revoke what He has said. Healing comes our way whenever we stand and proclaim that He is Jehovah Rapha, and by His stripes we are healed, He sent His word and His word healed our diseases. He remembers His faithfulness to His word and responds accordingly. Abraham believed God and He waited for God’s faithfulness

c.   His loving-kindness – God is love even when we don’t understand how to love. He loved us even from the beginning to the extent of sending His own Son for our sake. He remembers and continues to lavish us with His love even when we do not deserve it.

2.       His covenant

Exodus 2:24-25
So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them.

Man may be unfaithful but God will ever be faithful. He will fulfill His covenant of health prosperity, and every covenant He has made with man. When we make a covenant with God regarding anything that aligns to His will and purpose for us, the Lord is faithful to play His part. It is good to set a personal covenant with God. He will remember His covenant and those that you have with God. Make a covenant with God, He will in due season, remember or grant you a divine attention.

3.       Prayers, Sacrifice and gifts -

Acts 10:4 (AMP)
 and he, gazing intently at him, became frightened and said, What is it, Lord? And the angel said to him, your prayers and your [generous] gifts to the poor have come up [as a sacrifice] to God and have been remembered by Him.

Cornelius was considered after what he had been generously doing. Every seed that is planted will sprout someday. God remembers every sacrifice and gifts released for His glory. Be generous for it is better to give than to receive. Helping the needy is lending to the Lord and God’s interest for you is incomprehensible. Whatever you give in God’s name will not go unnoticed before the throne of grace.

4.       Remembers to avenge for all your enemies – He remembers every terrible act you received from your enemies and avenges in return. Do good to people at all times. God will always remember and avenge all who do evil to His people. We must repent of every evil act that we have committed against others lest they cry unto the Lord and God remembers and avenges for them.

1 Samuel 15:2
"Thus says the LORD of hosts: 'I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt.

1 Samuel 15:6
Then Saul said to the Kenites, "Go, depart, get down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them. For you showed kindness to all the children of Israel when they came up out of Egypt." So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.

God had purposed to avenge for His people against the Amalekites but Saul took the assignment lightly and refused to fulfil vengeance on behalf of God, thus God dethroned Saul. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. Never fight for revenge. The Lord will remember every evil act that was done against you. Let us leave vengeance to the Lord. Kenites showed kindness to Israelites (v.6), and so God remembered them and spared them for what they had done, even as He destroyed the Amalekites. Man will always forget the good and remember the bad but God’s ways are different from ours.

 Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end

Stand on the purpose of God. It is our time and season for God to remember us in our endeavors and He is making everything beautiful on our behalf.

What makes believers seem forgotten?

1.     Pride will make a believer to be forgotten. Spiritual pride makes one familiar with God and it is disgraceful to God. Humility is a virtue and should be key. Be humble before the Lord and He will lift you up. He resists the pride and gives grace to the humble. Purpose to walk in true humility.

2.     Sin. Those who dwell in sin will be forgotten. When one consciously knows and chooses to live in wickedness, the Holy Spirit gets grieved and this denies one fellowship and benefits of walking with the Lord. Think of the prodigal son, how he suffered after running away from the father’s fellowship.

3.    Disobedience to God will make you appear forgotten. Jonah disobeyed the Lord and the consequences were to live in a belly of a fish until he repented and the Lord remembered him.

4.    Complaining and murmuring. This attitude makes one to be forgotten. We should desist from complaining as this closes people from fellowship with God. We need to thank the Lord at all times, seasons and circumstances since all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and walk according to His purpose.

5.     Unforgiveness and bitterness

To be continued 

-- Pastor Mary Mugo. 

(24/08/14 Sunday Service Sermon, Teaching Transformation Ministry.) 

Pastor Mary is the Senior Pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the 
Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.


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