God Given Authority
The topic of authority is not new particularly to those who have been following our messages for a while. God took us through the same message sometime last year under the topic ' Understanding Authority ' on July 9th 2014. Brethren, when you see God lead us to a similar message so soon after, it may be that He is reminding us of something on authority which we may have forgotten or that He wants the same topic shared differently for very divine reasons. I therefore submit to the authority of the Holy Spirit to deliver this message as He leads, for His own glory and honor. It is my prayer that our hearts will be tuned to hear and concentrate on what God wants us to do, and that we will hearken to what He says. As we talk about authority, it is important for us to understand that this is actually synonymous to power. A person can only receive authority from one who is more superior to him or her. The very first time the Bible records a given authority is in the book of Genesis...