My Role as a Soldier

2 Timothy 2:3-4 

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

There have been wars ever since the creation of the world, as depicted in the Bible stories. Most Bible stories describe battles, from Genesis to Revelation, depicting physical battles and spiritual battles.

The physical battles are a reflection of the spiritual battles between forces of light and darkness. Since Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Gideon, Nehemiah, Joshua, Saul, Samuel, Samson, to New Testament times, there have been wars and battles between tribes, communities, territories and nation. The battles are still on-going to-date, in Israel and the world in general.

The battle was there not only after the beginning on earth but also in heaven, way back, before the beginning, between God’s army and the rebels, led by Lucifer. Satan was hurled down and continued with this spiritual battle against God’s creation, as a result he held many captive hence prompting Jesus Christ’s coming to redeem mankind.

The battles and wars are as significant to us today as they are indispensable in the scriptures. They highlight a spiritual purpose and mandate for mankind. The wars present to us an environment that is reminiscent of conflicts and struggles for communities, as well as personal challenges. In this essence, the situations call for people to fight back, which calls for military training in dealing with these battles. This is a spiritual training to counter the forces of darkness.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5  
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...

For those of us who have been freed have now become Christians and are not only Christians by name but by deed, since we have been enlisted to the spiritual force to continue the good fight against this common enemy; Satan. This calls for knowledge in the art of spiritual warfare, which starts with discipleship, after conversion.

Believers, like the children of Israel after being released from slavery in Egypt, cannot be enjoined in any war without thorough training; otherwise they might face the sword and run away. God told Moses that the children of Israel needed thorough training in the wilderness before possessing the Promised Land. 

We have many believers who wish to fight and possess without knowledge in the art of fighting. Note that Peter was not given the keys by Jesus because he was still a spiritual recruit. Training equips a believer with the necessary spiritual intelligence and knowledge for warfare.

Why train?

Before the fall, man had power and authority. When he fell, he lost the power, his weapon, but when Christ came, He restored back to man the power and authority through the Holy Spirit. But to exercise and enjoy full authority and this power, you have to undergo thorough training. Any weapon in wrong hands is lethal to the user and to other people too. That is why trainees use blanks (or rubber bullets) before they are issued with ‘live’ bullets.

Training influences the life of the recruit in order to transform him from his civilian lifestyle into being a soldier. The following areas of life of a recruit are important for transformation during training.

a. Psychological – The need to ‘delete’ the civilian lifestyle of the recruit is important. The Israelites always thought and remembered the things they missed in Egypt. That had to be removed from their lives entirely. Egypt had to be removed from their lives. You can be out of the world but have the world in you. The training deals with the person’s past. Training ensures that you do not dwell on who betrayed, hurt, sacked, dumped, rejected, conned, and mocked you, and so on. As a recruit, one has to put on a different uniform, speak a different language, eat different foods etc. One has to change their mentality and lifestyle from that of a civilian, to a soldier's. This calls for constant renewal of the mind, by the Word of God. Though we are free and free indeed from our old sinful nature and our past, our mind still needs renewal, so that we can start thinking in line with the Word and purpose of God, and seeing things the way He sees them. Spend time in the Word.

b. Social – This is being our brother’s keeper, how a recruit is supposed to relate with the world as a soldier. He is informed of his purpose, commitment, responsibility and rewards in any warfare. This faculty instils discipline; he learns protocol and the chain of command. Families, institutions, ministries, governments have collapsed for underestimating protocol. Protocol and order is divine. We are given protocol in the Bible - in the name of Jesus. No one gets to the Father except through Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6). Korah and Dathan rebelled against Moses, in authority, and faced the consequences of insubordination (Num. 16). Saul went and sacrificed, instead of waiting on the prophet Samuel, despite being told to wait (1 Sam. 13:1-15). He too faced judgment. Training establishes the social need for unity, love and loyalty. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, and spending time in the Word, we will find ourselves adhering to the set protocols in the spiritual realm, knowing our positions and responsibilities, as soldiers in the kingdom of God.

c. Physical – This training equips one with fighting mechanism and skills. Helps one to know the arsenal at his disposal, and how to use them. You also learn who your enemy is, and never to underestimate your enemy’s capabilities for he is cunning and deceptive. Recruits learn how to use combat weapons, fighting techniques and survival techniques in every environmental condition. One is also trained in the various areas of specialization: air, land and sea 

i. Praise and worship ministry is likened to the spiritual air force. When we praise and worship, we pull down and destroy strongholds and altars hence creating a realm for the Spirit of God to take dominion.

ii. Missions and evangelism ministry and commission is likened to spiritual ground forces. Evangelism confronts the forces of darkness head on.

iii. Prayer, fasting and intercession may not seem as open as the above two and so is likened to the spiritual navy. The ministry at times is active behind the scenes yet very effective in dealing with spiritual forces.

Spiritual SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) These have the power and knowledge of the above three areas of specialization. It is important to have the capability to fight in the air, land and sea spiritually.
Upon pass-out, we have to acknowledge our spiritual Commander in Chief; the Lord Jesus Christ.

What then are the roles of a good soldier?

1.  Faithfulness - There is a code of conduct which has to be adhered to, by every soldier. A good soldier realizes that the Lord is the Commanding Officer, and the Word of God the Authority, as established in the Bible. God honours His Word. Heaven and earth shall pass away but His word endures forever (1 Pet. 1:24-25). We must be faithful to His instructions and be obedient at all costs. Soldiers are expected to be faithful at all times. A good soldier knows his duties; he does not abscond, lie, cheat steal, desert and so on. He stands by the truth always.

2.  Focused – A good soldier is dedicated, driven and determined to please the Commanding officer; Jesus Christ. He knows the objectives and purpose of his mission. He is no quitter; he is not distracted by anything rather marches forward in file, rank and oneness. He doesn’t entangle himself with civilian affairs. He is vigilant, sacrificial, sympathetic, loyal, zealous, ready and so on. He is either at war or preparing for war.

3.  Fearless – There is no room for spiritual cowards in the Lord’s army:

Judges 7:1-3
Then Jerubbaal (that is, Gideon) and all the people who were with him rose early and encamped beside the well of Harod, so that the camp of the Midianites was on the north side of them by the hill of Moreh in the valley.And the Lord said to Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’ Now therefore, proclaim in the hearing of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him turn and depart at once from Mount Gilead.’” And twenty-two thousand of the people returned, and ten thousand remained.

The armour of God has no weapon for the back. We shouldn’t fear even when we pass through the valley of the shadow of death. We know that we are fully equipped as soldiers of the Lord, and victory is at hand. In fact, we are victorious in Christ Jesus. We have authority to trample on every snake and scorpion. Our weapons are not carnal. Good soldier have confidence and determination in every battle. As believers, we should know that we have the backing and support of our powerful Commander in chief; the Lord Jesus Christ.

One is either still a civilian held captive, or a recruit still under training and discipleship, or a soldier in the battlefield. In order for one to become a soldier, one has to accept the Lord as his personal savior. Thereafter, go through a series of training, by constantly spending time in the Word of God, to renew your mind. Many are still under training; others have been under training long enough. The need to evaluate one’s position is now. Decide to accept the Lord as savior or determine to complete the training and become a soldier for the Lord.


 -- Pastor Samson Munyoki. 

(8/02/15 Sunday Service Sermon, Teaching Transformation Ministry). 

Pastor Sam is a pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry, and also a member of the praise and worship team. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant. 


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