God's Approval Alone
But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. I Thessalonians 2:4 NKJV
We all have a desire to be approved by someone and either consciously or subconsciously live for the approval of someone. For some it's their bosses, others parents, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, spiritual leaders, mentors, spouses etc. This is the person(s) whose opinion concerning who you are or what you're doing matters very much to you, and their disapproval would cause you to lose your joy and would automatically be interpreted as rejection. Their approval or appraisal causes us to feel as if we’ve achieved much and make us feel good about ourselves. We find ourselves doing things and wanting them to see or know of what we’ve done, either consciously or subconsciously. We also find it difficult to go against what they tell us to do.
God is the One Who created us with this desire to be approved, but not by people, rather by Him. Paul knew this and lived as one who had been approved by God and said he didn't seek to please men (see also Gal. 1:10). There is nothing good that can ever come out of living for the approval and appraisal of men. If anything, it is rooted in the fear of man and the Bible says that the fear of man brings a snare (Prov. 29:25). Fear of man and living for the approval and appraisal of man will cause us to be trapped or be snared in a place where we can't get out, doing what we shouldn't and don't want to be doing, in places we shouldn't be at and so on. It makes us a slave of man where we do what they desire and approve of, and when we are in this place the Bible says we can't be God's bondservants (Gal. 1:10) as we can't serve two masters. As Lecrae said, if we live for the approval of men we’ll die from their rejection.
We have to come to a place where God's approval matters most to us, and He is that One Person Who we’ll do anything for, Whose appraisal we delight in, Who we'll obey even if it means becoming unpopular with everyone else, Whose opinion of us matters more than any other’s. When we get to this place it won't matter what anyone else thinks of us, rather we’ll be secure in our identity in Him. We'll find ourselves doing all things as unto Him with all our hearts (Col. 3:23-23), and even if men (our bosses, parents, spiritual authorities etc.) aren’t impressed or pleased with what we’ve done we still are at peace and keep rejoicing as we’ve pleased the One Who matters most and have His approval. The fear of man ensnares and enslaves; the fear of God liberates.
Whose approval and appraisal do you live for? Have you found yourself in a position where you know what God wants you to do but what someone or people will think causes you to hesitate to obey or even completely disobey God? Could you have made this person or people be your god(s)? What can you do to break and remain free from the fear of man and the snare of living for his approval or appraisal and live for God's alone?
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