2015: The Year of the Righteous to Flourish
This year (2015) is the year of the righteous to flourish. The righteous of the Lord shall see great harvest, lots of fruitfulness, and it will be evident to all to see.
The righteous of the Lord will experience release from failures, frustrations, and struggles of the previous years. This year those people who will stand in and with the Lord will be like the palm tree. Look forward to God using you not in one way, but in many ways. We shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. We will be standing so majestically and stable, immovable by the things that shake many. In this year, brethren will desire to be planted in the house of the Lord. We shall grow in the grace of the Lord, bringing forth fruits, both physical and spiritual.
This will be a year of great harvest and fruitfulness. In the
previous years, you sowed many things (love, service, money, fasting, prayers
etc.), and kept wondering when the season of harvest is. 2015 is the season of harvest. God told me that all the seed that will be planted in 2015 will sprout. This one
time, the fruitfulness and harvest will be sudden. The harvest for the souls is
ready (Lk. 10:2). There will be breakthrough in ministry work, in the area of your
calling and so on; get ready for great breakthrough, and fruitfulness.
In 2015, the righteous of the Lord will experience reward and repay. There are many of us who a long time ago worked, and it seems like the labour got forgotten. God is recollecting all these works, and is repaying and rewarding His people this year. Your season to experience reward is here, and God will cause you to remember the seeds you sowed, as you receive your harvest.
The church will experience release and liberty, in the spirit. There will be great success and release in the church. The yoke of oppression on the church and nation of Kenya has been broken. Amidst many challenges, the church will continue to thrive.
Get ready to witness a return to Christ by backsliders. There will be increase in church with no human effort.
This year it shall be well with the righteous (Is. 3:10-11)
God also gives us responsibility. God will not be silent to the defaming of His name. People will no longer use His name in vain. God will not entertain unholiness, compromise, games, and so on, in church. Any hypocrisy and hiding in church will be exposed, as in the days of Ananias and Sapphira (Act 5:1-11). Let us not take the grace of God for granted. The grace of God that has saved us and keeps us from the wrath of God is the same that is sufficient and more to keep us from sinful ways. There will be a lot of differentiation between those who serve God and those who do not.
In 2015, do not try to lead yourself, without the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14). Any thing you will try to do without God will crumble; it's not a matter of whether it will crumble, but a matter of when it will crumble.
God will manifest Himself to the sons of men, in 2015. For sure, the tree will grow again. Christians are compared to trees (Job 14:7-8). It is the year of great uplifting.
The end of personal efforts is now. It has to be the Lord who is at work. Involve God in all you are doing. Brethren almost gave up in 2014, but in 2015 we are rising again. Weeping endured for a night, but joy has come in our morning, 2015.
Many people almost died in 2014. The battle was intense, but we came out unscathed, by God's grace. We kept walking and did not faint, because God walked with us and kept us from fainting or being burnt by the fires. Some of us felt like we were in a den of lions, being bitten; the Lord zipped the mouth of the lions, which is how the lions did not swallow us up. The name of Jesus remained as a strong tower. We almost lost our way, but Jesus remained the surest way. We almost lost the way, but God led us. Some of us, like Jonah, strayed in disobedience, but God rescued our lives. The prison of seclusion almost finished us; God restored us. God has turned our weeping into laughing. Start laughing now. People who never knew laughter will bubble with a lot of joy in their spirits. There will be a lot of dancing, that God has caused. Poverty, sicknesses and other forms of oppression have been crushed.
There is a new rebirth within and in our lives. Our time to shine is now.
Beware brethren, as there will be a lot of trickery, brethren being tricked to run to riches. This year, many saints will be tempted to seek after things, contrary to the kingdom business (Matt. 6:33). Many will run for things and wait for the kingdom to follow. Remain seeking the kingdom. Because of the times we are entering in the nation, many will rush to seek wealth through witchcraft, illuminati and so on. What shall it cost a man to gain the whole world and lose the soul? (Lk. 9:25). Keep your mind on God and His Word, and keep seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness.
Be sensitive to who you keep, as your friends.
Remain in prayer and the Word, which will keep you safe, from falling away.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.
Have a blessed and fruitful 2015!
-- Pastor Mary Mugo.
The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 13 Those who are planted in the house of the LORD Shall flourish in the courts of our God. 14 They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing,
The righteous of the Lord will experience release from failures, frustrations, and struggles of the previous years. This year those people who will stand in and with the Lord will be like the palm tree. Look forward to God using you not in one way, but in many ways. We shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. We will be standing so majestically and stable, immovable by the things that shake many. In this year, brethren will desire to be planted in the house of the Lord. We shall grow in the grace of the Lord, bringing forth fruits, both physical and spiritual.
the palm tree, to understand why the psalmists kept talking about it. It has
deep roots. A palm tree will flourish in the desert, grows tall and lives long.
It produces more than one product: wine, honey, oil, cattle feed, baskets (from
the leaves). As it grows old, it becomes sweeter and more beautiful. The Lord
says this year this is how we will flourish like the palm tree, as His righteous.
is a year God is going to manifest His glory. As believers, we have the glory of
God upon us, but for a long time we have been mocked, the glory of God not
being seen. The things we have gone through have made even unbelievers laugh at
us, God's glory not being seen. In 2015, God is going to reveal His glory to
His people. God promised that the glory of the latter church shall be greater
than the one of the former (Hag. 2:9). God was not talking about the building
and equipments made by human hands; He was talking about you and me, His temple
and church. His glory is upon you. The kind of glory that God clothes His
people with is not beautification from showering and makeups; it is glory from
His Spirit. When the Lord manifests His glory, even your scent will be attractive. The glory of God will grant you so much beauty that your
face will not fold; you will glitter and glow.
you have the glory of God upon you, and people run to you in attraction, be careful lest you expose yourself to dangers, and lose that glow and beauty. Be quick
to warn people that you belong to Someone, Jesus. Seize that opportunity, and witness
to them. Guard God's glory with jealousy, as something valuable. The kind of
glory God has given us is His own attractive presence. As a Christian, you experience might and power through your life, because of God's
In 2015, worship will bubble from your spirit. Don't close
up those worship songs that bubble from your spirit while you're in a matatu, working,
and so on. This will help you continue enjoying God's presence. This year you
will experience lots of peace, from God's glory.
you thought it is only your pastor who can pray for the sick and they recover,
refrain from such thinking. This year, believers will pray for people and they will recover, and no sickness will
thrive around them, as long as they are there. All this is because of God's
glory. Believe this for yourself, and start seeing people recover as you pray for them, and sicknesses fleeing from wherever you are. Again, all this is because of God's glory, upon us. With this understanding, you won't find yourself in wrong places,
walking with the wrong places, doing the wrong things; you will guard yourself.
kind of glory God is manifesting in 2015 through His people is the one Jesus had when He was transfigured (Matt. 17:2). Do not
undermine what the glory of God can do. May God give us wisdom, to know who to
be with, where, when, and doing what. The world is so hungry, desiring God, and
it is through us that God is revealing Himself to them, through His glory
manifesting through us. If you will not recognize that you are carrying a valuable
thing, His glory, you will jeorpadize it by clinging on to people you are not supposed to be with, and remaining with someone for too
long while their time in your life is up, and walking out of God's will for your life in other ways.
transfiguration, Jesus met the demon-possessed child, and the demon could not
withstand the glory of God upon Him (Matt. 17). Nothing contrary to God's Word will withstand the glory of God upon you, as you walk in intimacy with Him; only be conscious of His glory upon you, and have faith in His Word.
In 2015, the righteous of the Lord will experience reward and repay. There are many of us who a long time ago worked, and it seems like the labour got forgotten. God is recollecting all these works, and is repaying and rewarding His people this year. Your season to experience reward is here, and God will cause you to remember the seeds you sowed, as you receive your harvest.
The church will experience release and liberty, in the spirit. There will be great success and release in the church. The yoke of oppression on the church and nation of Kenya has been broken. Amidst many challenges, the church will continue to thrive.
Get ready to witness a return to Christ by backsliders. There will be increase in church with no human effort.
This year it shall be well with the righteous (Is. 3:10-11)
God also gives us responsibility. God will not be silent to the defaming of His name. People will no longer use His name in vain. God will not entertain unholiness, compromise, games, and so on, in church. Any hypocrisy and hiding in church will be exposed, as in the days of Ananias and Sapphira (Act 5:1-11). Let us not take the grace of God for granted. The grace of God that has saved us and keeps us from the wrath of God is the same that is sufficient and more to keep us from sinful ways. There will be a lot of differentiation between those who serve God and those who do not.
In 2015, do not try to lead yourself, without the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14). Any thing you will try to do without God will crumble; it's not a matter of whether it will crumble, but a matter of when it will crumble.
God will manifest Himself to the sons of men, in 2015. For sure, the tree will grow again. Christians are compared to trees (Job 14:7-8). It is the year of great uplifting.
The end of personal efforts is now. It has to be the Lord who is at work. Involve God in all you are doing. Brethren almost gave up in 2014, but in 2015 we are rising again. Weeping endured for a night, but joy has come in our morning, 2015.
Many people almost died in 2014. The battle was intense, but we came out unscathed, by God's grace. We kept walking and did not faint, because God walked with us and kept us from fainting or being burnt by the fires. Some of us felt like we were in a den of lions, being bitten; the Lord zipped the mouth of the lions, which is how the lions did not swallow us up. The name of Jesus remained as a strong tower. We almost lost our way, but Jesus remained the surest way. We almost lost the way, but God led us. Some of us, like Jonah, strayed in disobedience, but God rescued our lives. The prison of seclusion almost finished us; God restored us. God has turned our weeping into laughing. Start laughing now. People who never knew laughter will bubble with a lot of joy in their spirits. There will be a lot of dancing, that God has caused. Poverty, sicknesses and other forms of oppression have been crushed.
There is a new rebirth within and in our lives. Our time to shine is now.
Beware brethren, as there will be a lot of trickery, brethren being tricked to run to riches. This year, many saints will be tempted to seek after things, contrary to the kingdom business (Matt. 6:33). Many will run for things and wait for the kingdom to follow. Remain seeking the kingdom. Because of the times we are entering in the nation, many will rush to seek wealth through witchcraft, illuminati and so on. What shall it cost a man to gain the whole world and lose the soul? (Lk. 9:25). Keep your mind on God and His Word, and keep seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness.
Be sensitive to who you keep, as your friends.
Remain in prayer and the Word, which will keep you safe, from falling away.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.
Have a blessed and fruitful 2015!
-- Pastor Mary Mugo.
(31/12/2014 Kesha Service Sermon, Teaching Transformation Ministry)
Pastor Mary is a Pastor at Teaching Transformation Ministry. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), next to Eastgate Restaurant.
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