Vision 2015
A new year calls for new visions. Without a vision, God's people perish.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Then the Lord answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Everyone is excited to hear that visions will come to pass. However, visions have challenges. Some people get challenges and are tempted to lower or limit their visions. They cower away from pursuing their visions, because of the challenges that face them.
You should not be intimidated by challenges, as the Word of God guarantees us that our visions will be fulfilled. The Word of God helps us to set great goals, looking to God who gives us strength and grace. If you have set goals and feel that they are too great, do not fear and lower/limit your visions; if you do, growth in your life will be limited. Do not set goals/visions that you can attain fast; set great goals, that you are sure you will need the great God to achieve. Our challenge as believers is that we set goals we are sure we will accomplish, and not need God. Set goals and visions that you will know you will need God to accomplish, so that at the end, when you look back, you will have a testimony that if it was not for God, you would not have made it.
What to do to accomplish your visions
1. BeIieve
We need to believe in God, to accomplish our visions. Believe that as long as God has spoken to you and enabled you to see something, it will come to pass. Strategise and let God help you to fulfill your vision.
2. Revisit the previous victory
See and recount God's faithfulness in the previous times; see His victories. Let these strengthen you in faith. Sit and revisit your experience with God, how He came through for you and gave you victory previously. You can also revisit the victories of God in other people's lives, and realize that if God did it for them, He will do it for you too. What has God ever done for you, that when you revisit you see God walking with you? Remember the times that you lacked shoes, rent and so on, and how God came through for you. Do as David did, when he faced Goliath, recounting God's faithfulness when He delivered him from the lion and the bear (1 Sam. 17:34-37, 45-46). He had not faced Goliath before, but He knew His God, and that He would stilll come through for him. If God did it then, He will still do it for you now.
3. Be willing to win
Do not doubt that you will win or fulfill your visions and goals. Doubt will cause you to be divided. If you are going to overcome this year, you must decide that you will win and go through all that comes your way, victoriously. People who do not succeed are bound to failure. God wants to use His abilities that He has put in us, but we must decide and believe that since we are more than conquerors, we shall conquer all that comes our way. Do not doubt that you will win. If you have set a vision, and have decided to win, take a step of faith. Do not give up; you can overcome, if you decide to win. See yourself finish and accomplish your vision, with God by your side. Make a decision never to look back.
4. Never stop fighting
Visions have many challenges. Consider Moses, who God had ordained as the deliverer of Israel. He was born at a time when all the male children of Israel were being killed (Ex. 1:22, 2:2). Later on, he killed an Egyptian and fled to the desert. He was stilll the deliverer of Israel after it all, as God was with him. The same thing that happened during the birth Moses happened during the birth of Jesus. He was sent as the Saviour of the world, and soon after He was born Herod ordered that all male children under the age of 2 years should be killed (Matt. 2:1-18). In spite of the challenges that faced them both during birth and life-time, the purpose of God through them was still accomplished. As long as you keep believing in God and pressing on to pursue the visions He has put in your heart, His purpose and plans for you will come to pass.
When challenges come, do not give up. Keep fighting. Do not procrastinate or stop doing what you are doing. Many people give up as the year goes, and stop fighting. Even when December 25th 2015 arrives, and you have not accomplished what God had put in your heart, do not give up; it's never too late, as long as God is in it. Stand and see what will happen, just like Habakkuk. Do not give up. After waiting, God told Habakkuk that even though it tarried, he should not give up, as it would still come to pass.
5. Take a step
Commit yourself. Whatever you have set your heart to do, take a step of faith and pursue it. For example, if you have a calling to be a pastor, and want to pursue it in 2015, approach your pastor and ask for an opportunity to minister to the church. Faith without actions is dead (Jas. 2:17). Do not wait till the end of the year to say you wish you took a step. Those who succeed always decide they will succeed, and take an action.
While you wait, work; keep yourself busy doing something, to exercise your patience.
6. Add passion to your vision
Be passionate about your vision. Identify that which you love most, in your vision, and let that passion drive you to pursue it.
7. Allow positive criticism
Take time to share with people what you are thinking, and allow them to tell you something about it. Do not always be negative about and opposed to opinions. Through positive criticism, you get to borrow other people's ideas, modify and own them. They will help you. Positive criticism challenges you and gives you different perspectives. However, do not let the people who are helping you with the positive criticism make decisions for you; take their criticism, own it and make it your idea.
8. See yourself as more than a conqueror
See yourself as victorious. See yourself as God sees you, seeing the potential He sees in you. How do you see yourself? This can either hinder or help you achieve your vision. Decide you will not be people's opinion. The society can predict, but only you can determine your destiny. Only you can determine your direction and destiny. The society cannot and should not make decisions on your behalf. See yourself as God sees you, in your vision, not as people see you. Do not be bound by people's opinion. See the potential and abilities that God sees in you.
9. Know that the future holds hope
Know that tomorrow there is hope. Do not be discouraged; there is hope for tomorrow. See God doing something, bringing hope and future. It does not matter what you're passing through; do not forfeit your vision, on a basis of what you have or don't have. Focus on what God has; focus on His provision. See progress, in the future.
Know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Always keep in mind that you can do all things, and keep taking steps of faith, looking up to Jesus.
Your vision can never be killed by challenges, unless you allow them to kill it. You have the final say, not situations or challenges. Make a decision to see the end of your vision, accomplished.
Do not start embarking on your vision while relying on your own understanding. Instead, start where God is, and purpose to finish with Him. Have visions that please God.
Be determined to praise the Lord and rejoice in Him, no matter what happens as you pursue your vision. Prayer and trust in God will help bring your vision to accomplishment. A vision comes to help take you to another level.
-- Brother Edwin Muriithi
(31/12/14 Kesha Service Sermon, Teaching Transformation Ministry, Joska.)
Brother Murithi is a minister, at Teaching Transformation Ministry, Joska. We are located along the Thika-Ruai Flyover Junction (at the Thika Rd./ Bypass intersection), Next to Eastgate Restaurant.
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