What Kind of a Son Are You?
“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” John 14:7 NKJV On Sunday I was having a conversation with a friend, remembering our high school days and talking of those kids who had very rich and famous fathers but you couldn't tell as they were humble and down to earth, studying hard just like the rest. On the other hand there were the others just like them but who were proud, arrogant, rude, lazy, puffed up and always putting others down because of where they came from. This morning I remembered this story and found myself asking myself what kind of a son I was, having the Creator and Owner of all that's in the heaven and that's on the earth (Ps. 24:1, 115:16, Hag. 2:8) as my Father. Am I the kind who is always looking down on others and thanking my Father that I’m not like them (especially either the ones not as “strong in faith” as I am, or most notoriously unbelievers), or I’m I the one whose position...