Don't Lose Heart
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9 NKJV
The Bible is full of people who waited on God for many years, and even today all around us there are many believers who are waiting on God. At the same time it's not that things are blissful as we wait; trials, temptations, persecution and affliction seem to be close by during the waiting period all through, making the waiting period tougher and seemingly unbearable. The good thing is that God tells us of both the importance/purpose of waiting, as well as what to do while we wait. Our Father is very purposeful in all He does. If He’s having us wait, it's for a reason and for our own good. Sometimes it feels as if He's enjoying seeing us suffer but the cross is proof enough that He truly cares for and loves us. How much care do you give something you paid Kes. 10,000 for? Is it the same care you would accord something you paid 1 million shillings for? Our Father paid the highest price for us, giving us His only begotten Son, so we can be sure He accords us the highest level of care there is.
Our Father says in His Word that it is possible to glory or rejoice in tribulations/pressure/distress, which always come with waiting, and says the secret to this is knowing that tribulations come to produce perseverance/patience in us, and this patience produces character (we need character for where God is taking us as far as His purpose is concerned), and the character produces hope (this is the anchor for our souls - Heb. 6:19) (Rom. 5:3-4). He also tells us that the patience that is produced by trials perfects us such that at the end we are perfect and complete, lacking nothing (Jam. 1:2-4). To our Father, our perseverance, character, hope and perfection are so important that He is willing to stand and watch us go through the trials and tribulations. When we get this understanding and learn to see trials as He does, knowing they're all good for us, we will rejoice and glory in them like Paul (Rom. 5:3).
Our Father’s promises and truth concerning trials and tribulations are what help us fight off the weariness that comes to make us lose heart and cease from doing good as we wait. Many believers sadly have taken their eyes off God's promises and Word and have grown weary in their waiting, losing heart and thus losing the harvest of all they’d been toiling for. When the truth sinks in us and becomes a reality that there's purpose in our trials and that our Father still deeply cares for and loves us and that if He still allows us to go through it all it’s for a reason, we’ll go through whatever comes our way rejoicing and full of faith and hope, looking for all the harvest of our labour (God's glory, patience, character, hope, perfection etc.)
Are you waiting on God for anything? Might you have allowed yourself to grow weary and start losing heart in some areas, thus ceasing to do good and letting your joy and hope slip away? Are you convinced that your heavenly Father truly cares for you and has the best interests at heart for you, even as He allows you to keep waiting?
Grace and peace to you!
The Bible is full of people who waited on God for many years, and even today all around us there are many believers who are waiting on God. At the same time it's not that things are blissful as we wait; trials, temptations, persecution and affliction seem to be close by during the waiting period all through, making the waiting period tougher and seemingly unbearable. The good thing is that God tells us of both the importance/purpose of waiting, as well as what to do while we wait. Our Father is very purposeful in all He does. If He’s having us wait, it's for a reason and for our own good. Sometimes it feels as if He's enjoying seeing us suffer but the cross is proof enough that He truly cares for and loves us. How much care do you give something you paid Kes. 10,000 for? Is it the same care you would accord something you paid 1 million shillings for? Our Father paid the highest price for us, giving us His only begotten Son, so we can be sure He accords us the highest level of care there is.
Our Father says in His Word that it is possible to glory or rejoice in tribulations/pressure/distress, which always come with waiting, and says the secret to this is knowing that tribulations come to produce perseverance/patience in us, and this patience produces character (we need character for where God is taking us as far as His purpose is concerned), and the character produces hope (this is the anchor for our souls - Heb. 6:19) (Rom. 5:3-4). He also tells us that the patience that is produced by trials perfects us such that at the end we are perfect and complete, lacking nothing (Jam. 1:2-4). To our Father, our perseverance, character, hope and perfection are so important that He is willing to stand and watch us go through the trials and tribulations. When we get this understanding and learn to see trials as He does, knowing they're all good for us, we will rejoice and glory in them like Paul (Rom. 5:3).
Our Father’s promises and truth concerning trials and tribulations are what help us fight off the weariness that comes to make us lose heart and cease from doing good as we wait. Many believers sadly have taken their eyes off God's promises and Word and have grown weary in their waiting, losing heart and thus losing the harvest of all they’d been toiling for. When the truth sinks in us and becomes a reality that there's purpose in our trials and that our Father still deeply cares for and loves us and that if He still allows us to go through it all it’s for a reason, we’ll go through whatever comes our way rejoicing and full of faith and hope, looking for all the harvest of our labour (God's glory, patience, character, hope, perfection etc.)
Are you waiting on God for anything? Might you have allowed yourself to grow weary and start losing heart in some areas, thus ceasing to do good and letting your joy and hope slip away? Are you convinced that your heavenly Father truly cares for you and has the best interests at heart for you, even as He allows you to keep waiting?
Grace and peace to you!
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