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...but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Daniel 11:32 NKJV

As believers we are called to do much for God, be His hands and feet on the world to carry out His purpose and desires. If you're like me, there are times you wish you would go round performing great miracles and not struggling with some of the “small” things and sins we struggle with (lying, lust, pride, worry, fear etc.), and sometimes I feel like shouting to God, “just snap your fingers and it will be done, Lord!” This is in knowing there's nothing He can't do. However, that's not the way He wants to get things done. He wants us to grow into that level of walking in total victory over all hurdles and walk around carrying out great exploits for His glory His way, and that is through knowing Him.

Our identity is hidden in God. The more we know Him, the more we know who He had made us to be. Spiritual strength and ability to carry out great exploits is developed through our knowledge of God. So, rather than focus so much on not trying to sin or wanting to perform miracles, walk in love, operate in the gifts of the Spirit and so on, we should invest more time in knowing God through fellowship with Him, spending time in Scriptures and in fellowship with other like-minded believers, prayer and fasting etc. The closer we get to God, Who is strength, light and all we need, the more all that isn't like Him in us is exposed and all that He is becomes available for us to enjoy. The more time we spend in intimate fellowship with Him, the more His attributes and great traits rub off on us, and soon we are thinking and speaking like Him, seeing and doing things like Him as we're transformed into the same image (2 Cor. 3:18), and all the the while it's Him doing all this through us. Our lives become so simplified as we effortlessly find ourselves not willing to do/say some things, entertain some thoughts etc., and instead want to do what He wants to do. For example, pride, fear, worry lust and lying all lose their strength in us as we fill ourselves with knowledge of the greatness, humility, courage, faithfulness, ability, holiness, truthfulness and hatred for sin etc. Knowledge of God is the prerequisite for living the God kind of life here on earth, the way He wants us to live.

Where are your efforts as a believer; in doing things for God, or in simply knowing Him more? What can you do to ensure you are growing in God's knowledge more, knowing that it is for this reason that Christ came and called you to Himself (Is. 43:10, Jn. 3:16, 17:3)?

Grace and peace to you!

Today's devotion was written by brother Sam Gitonga. 


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