What Kind of a Son Are You?
“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” John 14:7 NKJV
On Sunday I was having a conversation with a friend, remembering our high school days and talking of those kids who had very rich and famous fathers but you couldn't tell as they were humble and down to earth, studying hard just like the rest. On the other hand there were the others just like them but who were proud, arrogant, rude, lazy, puffed up and always putting others down because of where they came from. This morning I remembered this story and found myself asking myself what kind of a son I was, having the Creator and Owner of all that's in the heaven and that's on the earth (Ps. 24:1, 115:16, Hag. 2:8) as my Father. Am I the kind who is always looking down on others and thanking my Father that I’m not like them (especially either the ones not as “strong in faith” as I am, or most notoriously unbelievers), or I’m I the one whose position humbles me and drives me to invite others to enjoy it also as it's open to them too?
Many of us back then (in high school) couldn't help but associate the behaviour of those spoilt kids (unless you were one of them haha) or those humble ones with that of the parents. If they were rude you wouldn't be that curious to meet their parents, and if they were humble you’d desire to. The same happens today. People in the world who haven't seen our Father in heaven will easily associate our behaviour and nature to His, and depending on what they see either be drawn to Him or want to stay away from Him. Jesus said that if the disciples had known Him they’d have known His Father, and since they'd seen Him they'd seen the Father. We should be able to say the same.
Jesus had all the right to brag and put others down not just having come from the Father of all but having Him live in Him and knowing He was going back to Him, yet He didn't. The Bible tells us that He, knowing Who He was and where He was going to, put aside His garments and washed His disciples’ feet, then asking them to do the same (Jn. 13:1-17). Our knowledge of Whose we are and who we are shouldn't puff us up and make us spoilt kids who’re always putting others down for their “lack of faith” or lack of relationship with our Father, but rather humble us and cause us to want to serve others more, in so doing showing them the heart of our benevolent, humble and loving Father and thus drawing them to Him.
What kind of a son are you? At any moment do you find yourself thanking God that you're alive and others aren't, healthy and others aren't etc.? (See Lk. 18:9-14). Do you feel more privileged or better than others because of your relationship with God? Does how you live draw people to God and His heart or push them away? (Let the Spirit reveal this to you, based on Jeremiah 17:9-10).
What kind of a son are you? At any moment do you find yourself thanking God that you're alive and others aren't, healthy and others aren't etc.? (See Lk. 18:9-14). Do you feel more privileged or better than others because of your relationship with God? Does how you live draw people to God and His heart or push them away? (Let the Spirit reveal this to you, based on Jeremiah 17:9-10).
Grace and peace to you!
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