Agree to be Led

In the year 2016 let us agree to be led by God. There are times that as a parent, being a mother to many spiritual sons and daughters and my own biological children, there are times I feel like holding my children’s hands to direct them, lead them across the road and so on. A parent may see that where the child is at is at a dangerous place and want to remove the child, but if the child loves being there they will want to remain there and even refuse to be removed from that place. The parent tries to take the hand of the child and remove them from danger but the child resists and wants to remain there. The second time the parent wants to rescue the child he/she may feel like allowing the child to remain there and experience the danger, especially if the child is grown and no longer a 2 year old child. As long as we let the Lord lead us in our lives in every way, we’ll never be hit by the dangers of the world. He knows where the dangers are, where the pits are, where to turn left, ...