Fan Your Victory

Your victory given was already given, but you have to fan it. Today we're going to discuss principles for fanning our victory, that will help us see God’s victory in our lives. There’s where we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to be doing and so on, but the question is, are we there? Jesus promised us that if we believe in Him we’ll do what He did, and even greater things (Jn. 14:12). There are three things we have to do however, to see the victory: 1. Stop glorifying the devil, and start glorifying God: How many times do we see Jesus talking about the devil? He rarely preached to crowds and to His disciples about the devil, His focus not being on him. From today, we must stop glorifying the devil, and start glorifying our Lord. We glorify the devil by the utterances of our mouths. The devil feels good when we start showing him that he’s very big in our lives, at the slightest things he does in our lives. A time has come and the church has to look at the tr...