It is Time for Visions to be Fulfilled Part 1

Theme: It is Time for Visions to be Fulfilled
By: Apostle Mary Mugo
Book(s): Proverbs 29:18
What is a vision?
In literal meaning;
A vision is a desired future. It is a bigger picture of what you want to accomplish in life.
A good vision is clear, simple and specific.
A good vision describes your purposes and success.
A good vision is written in present tense.
A vision influences how you live on a daily basis.
In worldly definition, a good vision is a KISS (Keep it Simple and Specific)
In Christian faith;
A vision is like a prophecy of your life.
It states the reason for your being alive.
With a vision, you see things clearly and differently.
A vision inspires you to live.
A vision gives your ideas of how you need to do things
A vision energizes you to move forward
A vision keeps you focussed.
**Another name for vision is a revelation or divine guidance.
*you cannot have a vision of what you already have.
God in His Infinite Wisdom instructs us through His Word to be people who have a vision of our lives. Let’s look at the following verses to expound more on this;
Proverbs 29:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
In the life of a believer, the vision is not only a long term plan but it is a revelation for every day of our lives. There is a vision for each day and it is our mandate to perceive it, understand it and execute it. The moment we fail to execute the vision of the day, we miss on the purpose for that day and delay the fulfillment of our destiny.

Where there’s no vision there’s division, people perish (verse 18); any agenda or plan that is not the will of God will lead to perishing and destruction.
Understand this, a fruitful and effective vision puts God first.
but he that keeps the law, happy is he(18b); as long as the vision has God as the First Priority, then the vision will succeed.
Case in point is the Word of God in Genesis 1:1, In the beginning, God….
So in your life as a believer, God should be the priority in every aspect including your vision.
In your family, relationship, money, career, vision and in all other aspects, God should get first priority.
Examples of people in the Bible with a vision
1.       Read 1 Samuel 1&2 (The legend of Hannah and Samuel)- A vision is specific to an individual need and must be aligned to what God wants.
**A Vision has ears and it obeys authority; because Eli responded to Hannah’s response of a cry to God for a child (verse 17 of chapter1)
2.       Joseph (Genesis 37) was called by God at seventeen years of age but the vision manifested at age 30.
**Wait for the vision to be fulfilled, do not tamper or rush your vision to manifest before time.
*Abraham waited for the promise for 25 years.
**A vision will require you to honor the owner of the vision more than the vision. i.e. Abraham honored God (Owner of the vision) to the level of willingness to sacrifice the vision(Isaac) out of obedience.
·         Jeremiah 32:27
·         Luke 1:37
·         Genesis 18:14-15
·         Numbers 23:19
·         Jeremiah 33:20-22
·         Jeremiah 1:12
·         Habakkuk 2:2-3
Things you must do:
         I. Believe God and do not stop; consistently believe God
       II. Let God be the enter of your vision
     III. Pray for your vision
    IV.  Wait patiently
      V.  Stay humble like Joseph even when the blessing manifests
    VI. Keep the promise that you commit in the vision
   VII.Value your vision.

Be Blessed

This Message was brought to you by Apostle Mary Mugo, A minister of the Gospel and an Apostle in Teaching Transformation Ministry.


  1. Nuk mund ta besoja se do të ribashkohesha ndonjëherë me ish-dashnorin tim, isha aq i traumatizuar duke qëndruar vetëm pa trup që të qëndronte pranë meje dhe të ishte me mua, por isha aq me fat që një ditë të caktuar ta takova këtë magjistari i fuqishëm Dr Ediomo, pasi i tregoi atij për situatën time, ai bëri gjithçka që ishte e mundur për të parë që i dashuri im të kthehej tek unë, në të vërtetë pasi bëri magji, ish i dashuri im u kthye tek unë më pak se 48 orë, erdhi ish i dashuri im kthehu duke më lutur se nuk do të më lërë më kurrë, 3 muaj më vonë u fejuam dhe u martuam, nëse edhe ju jeni duke pasur të njëjtën situatë. Ai është shumë i fuqishëm në punët e tij;
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